Integrative Life Coaching

What is Integrative Life Coaching?

MindBodySoulIntegrative life coaching is a professional relationship where the coach provides tools, structure, and accountability to help the client achieve goals, get unstuck, or explore future possibilities. Coaching may take place in-person, on the phone, or via secure online portal.Integrative Life Coaching is an enhanced version of Life Coaching, integrating bodymind principles and health and wellness principles.

A typical coaching session begins with a brief check-in and grounding. Coach and client then review progress on items from the previous session. The client is asked to state a goal for focus for the current session, and the bulk of the time is spent on that focus. The session wraps up with established commitments and ways to provide accountability. Coaching may either be structured as a set number of sessions targeted at one specific goal, or it may be an ongoing relationship that supports the client in longer-term growth.


How is Coaching Different From Therapy?

See the Services page for a comparison of coaching, therapy, and other services offered.

Coaching Specialities

Many types of specialized coaching have developed, and it can be difficult to understand what type might work best for you. At Cygnus Transformations, we provide the following specialized types of coaching:

  • Coaching for EAF – supports people in emergent activism and feminism (EAF) who want to become more politically active.
  • Coaching for MTBI  – addresses the unique challenges that people experience after a mild traumatic brain injury.
  • Life Coaching – appropriate for anyone wanting to improve areas of work, academics, relationships, or health.
  • Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching  – focuses on health and wellness goals, often coordinating with the primary care physician or other medical professionals.
  • Mind-Body Coaching  – coaching with the purpose of promoting health and well-being through mind-body practices and approaches.